Monday 31 March 2014

Marijuana Serving The Nation To Recover From Angina Pectoris - Ontario

Angina pectoris is a hazardous disease which is a result of myocardial ischemia caused by disproportion between blood supply and oxygen demand. Angina pectoris is a serious illness that may result into death if left untreated. Ischemia could be a reason of restriction in blood supply to various tissues, resulting into shortage of oxygen and glucose, the two major components to maintain health and an absolute requirement of cellular metabolism. Ischemia is typically caused by improper working of blood vessels and can result into damage of bodily tissues. The major reason of angina pectoris is coronary artery disease which is further a reason of atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the heart

Statistics say every year approximately 9.8 million Americans are predicted to suffer from Angina pectoris, with about 50,000 are joining the list per year. Figures also showed that about 18 percent of coronary attacks are resulting into angina pectoris.  

Angina pectoris is commonly linked to severe pain or deficiency of oxygen to certain tissues. Your degree of Angina pectoris depends on your severity of pain and the degree of oxygen deficiency. About 60 % of People suffering from this life threatening disease results into death before the age of 55.

Cannabis or better known as Marijuana is considered to be a great option by majority of people suffering from the hazards of Angina pectoris. Cannabinoids, a group of terpenophenolic compounds found in Cannabis offers a major impact to release the symptoms of Angina pectoris by relieving the pain associated with this harm and providing a feeling of calmness and well-being. 

Medical marijuana is invented to give a feeling of calmness and relaxation. And because of this reason this amazing herb has several health benefits with the one to alleviate the symptoms of Angina pectoris and for this reason this wonderful herb will remain in the world for centuries.
Medical Marijuana Ontario, Medical Marijuana in Ontario

Canabud, 3502-1011 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada. 
Call 1-888-999-2997.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Medical Marijuana Health Canada

I was thinking of something special, an herb probably that can give me a better option to smoke rather than tobacco which is known for its side- effects. Next day when I was reading about Medical Marijuana I find out I don’t need to ask anymore, because I have got my answer. Well it’s not a lie when I am saying medical marijuana as a supporter herb to your smoking habit. It’s a fact which is considered by majority of people who got their answer in marijuana. Most genuine thing about marijuana is it’s originally, known to be a great healer since ages it has established an individual image in the minds of people as a most reliable and convenient option to treat your health issues. 

In our busy hectic schedule we often don’t have time to give time to our health. Knowingly we are neglecting our health. But these aren’t just your problems; many in the series are following you. But what I want to explore here is Medical marijuana providing a miraculous option in many cases. Let’s discuss a few of them:
  •    Lung Cancer: Tobacco what we normally use for smoking purpose may interrupt your health in many ways.  There is nothing to hide because most of us already know it’s the most general cause of lung cancer and may leave you frustrated at the end of the day.
  •   Breast cancer: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabinol found in this herb are known to preventing agent for your breast cancer disease.
  •  HIV/AIDS: Studies have explained the use of Marijuana can be a reliable option for reducing pain involved in HIV/AIDS.
  • Glaucoma: One key use of this natural medicine is the decrease in intraocular pressure which is another cause of Glaucoma.   

This must not be neglected that this major medicine is blessings of god and we must say thank you to our god for this natural way to cure many health issues without any harm. 

3502-1011 West Cordova Street, Vancouver, Canada
Call 1-888-999-2997.